Engagement’ is Old News in the Workplace
Employee engagement is creating an environment where employees feel motivated and satisfied with their work. As an event management company that places people at the heart of every experience, we believe that future lies in true involvement.

Let’s get involved
Often companies fall short in fostering a deep connection between employees and their work. Creating team-building activities, recognition programs, and perks, such initiatives can create engagement in many cases. But these are top-down approaches where management decides what will make employees happy and does not involve them in the decision-making process.
What is involvement? Involvement means employees don’t just participate—they help shape them. It is not just a reward-driven activity. But they are driven by a sense of purpose and fulfillment. To build such a culture, management needs to open its doors.
Employees today, especially younger generations, seek to be part of something bigger. How do we help companies foster this culture? We design collaborative experiences at events. Events that encourage employees to step out of their usual roles. Where they process information as a team and give solutions.
In conclusion, while employee engagement has its own benefits, the true step up for any organization is to get their employees involved. By fostering such a method, employees deeply integrate into the company’s mission and operations. This will unlock unprecedented levels of creativity, loyalty, and success. At Icecube Events, we’re excited to help companies navigate towards this shift.

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